MyTAG is an automated timetable scheduling service system serving Hong Kong colleges and universities

MyTAG is a multi-school timetable program based on the uoke framework developed by php 7 as a front-end module and CodeIgniter as a back-end processing module for information processing. It has been directly operated by Nativever since 2012 and covers the whole of Hong Kong 12 colleges and universities, accumulatively serving 1 million person-times

personalized development services

Whether it is enterprise information transformation, development of e-commerce platform or business based on LBS, we have rich experience in scenarios and provide you with high-quality solutions


Use Php, Mysql, Html5, CSS3 and other advanced languages ​​under Linux system


The same quality is better than the industry, the price is calculated by working hours


18 hours of technical support on weekdays and 8 hours of limited service on holidays

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